The first of its kind for Hollywood PAL, we hosted a Girls Empowerment Workshop held on May 25, 2024. Over 38 young ladies, accompanied by 20 dedicated moms, gathered for an inspiring day of empowerment, self-care, and community connection. The workshop featured...
When you have the privilege to witness the achievements and growth of those who grew up through Hollywood PAL Programs in their youth and blossom into adulthood, tackling their dreams and aspirations—there are no words that describe how proud we are as an...
Sunday April 28th was a hit out of the park for our 3rd annual Hollywood PAL Car Show and Block Party! With an estimated 20,000 people who strolled down the famous Boulevard, the display and variety of cars that decorated the street was something to behold! Engines...
After weeks of great art classes, planning, and discussion about the meaning behind the mural, painting began on March 29th. The art instructors were joined by the martial arts students, their families, and staff to make this exciting project a fun affair. With bright...
The marathon was on Sunday the 17th and the SRLA participants had been putting in the work by training since the beginning of the year! They took on a whopping 26.3 miles! With parents supporting from the Hollywood PAL Dojo, and staff—both participating in the...