With a six-month break between soccer seasons, the Hollywood PAL Officers decided to take the opportunity to bond with PAL kids through the experience of learning a new sport.  Since most of our kids only know soccer and martial arts, the Officers chose to teach the kids softball and kickball, Monday and Wednesday evenings at Helen Bernstein High School. The experience has been fun and  memory-making, with parents joining in as well. Special thanks to Cal PAL for donating softball equipment to make this possible, and bravo to the PAL kids for not being afraid to try something new… like throwing a ball!
What’s more, on Saturday, January 16th, coaches from USA Rugby came out to teach the PAL kids the sport of rugby. The kids and PAL Officers had an absolute blast!  The sport perfectly blends American football and soccer to create a dynamic game that had all ages wanting more. We hope this is the beginning of a long-term partnership with USA Rugby.

Poker at the Pantages is coming August 23,2024